Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I met him when I was 16, married him when I was 19, today we celebrate 20 years of marriage together. I am overwhelmed today by the tender feelings of my heart. A lot happens in 20 years. We have had some really good times and some really hard times and through all of these times we've had each other. There have been times I've wondered how I could live with him, but mostly times I've wondered how I could possibly ever live without him. Richard is my safe spot, my comfort zone- the person I can be myself with. He lets me be the worst possible me, but makes me want to be a better person. He is always there for me and so non judgemental- often I have felt that he is much better at being a husband than I am at being a wife. Words can't express the feelings in my heart today- I love him and I'm looking forward to the next 20 years.

** Oh and he's patient- the last post wasn't true! I later found out that Jayna had hung the mirror herself on a nail already in the wall.

Reading Now- Crime and Punishment

1 comment:

Rachel said...

So sweet. Marriage is the best. I miss you.