Saturday, April 9, 2011

Before my head explodes!

I think a lot- sometimes too much, I'm sure. I'm afraid my son has the same tendency- sorry Andrew. I hope through all the negatives my kids get from me- there is something positive too! Anyhow- there is lots on my mind right now- so I'm just going to start writing. Sometimes- poor Richard, I think hears my thoughts over and over as I'm trying to process things. He tends to internalize things,where I like to talk everything out- over and over again. See- like I said lots of thoughts and we haven't even started with the thoughts I was thinking of!

Being in limbo- I don't like it. I'm a planner (sort of.) So right now I find myself in that place of limbo- not knowing exactly what the near future holds. I don't want to give too many details- but here are the basics: my husband interviewed out of state last week. And so now we wait- I'm hoping it's not long- but my understanding is it could be weeks. I've decided that I'm not nervous really- there are good things about staying and good things about moving, but what I am is ANTSY! I've been spending time looking at real estate in our potentially new area, jobs for me in the area, schools...., but I know I could just be wasting time. I want to know and move forward. The good things about staying- not moving 3 kids, including 2 teenagers, things are okay here, and no routine would have to be horribly interrupted. The good things about moving- new opportunity for my husband, benefits that could be really nice to have, and the excitement I get about starting over somewhere new. Oh- and to be honest- it would include a house with at LEAST
1 1/2 baths! This situation with one bathroom in our house is ridiculous! The kids have been told the possibility of moving and they have met it okay for the most part- Whitney has shed a lot of tears. And at this point it is just an idea.

Work- I'm a bit conflicted here- maybe a lot- and as the above paragraph states-maybe I shouldn't even be worrying about it since I might be moving. Since August I've been working two part-time jobs. My intent was to work both of them for a year- or at least until the end of the school year- and then reevaluate. It's been on my mind a lot- and one of my employers said he would like to know my intentions.

Job A- I work as a COTA (certified occupational therapy assistant) in an alternative school. ( the kids here have behavior, or emotional or psychological issues that don't allow them to attend a "regular" school) I work there 3 days a week. I have around 15 kids ranging from kindergarten through high school. I prepare activities for each of these kids to help meet their goals. I see most kids 2 days a week. Their goals range from visual motor/visual perceptual activities, to handwriting and scissor skills, social skills, safety awareness, and self regulation abilities.

Job A's Pros:
1. It can be fulfilling to see one of your kids "get" it or to provide a positive example to some of these kids who don't have many.

2. The pay is decent.

3. I am using the degree I went to school for.

Job A's Cons:
1. It can be overwhelming- the schedule is tight, and there is a lot to do besides just treat the kids- documentation, working with teachers, finding activities and getting supplies. I find I do more on my own time than I would like.

2. I still feel "new" at this job- and sometimes wish I knew so much more! I want my time with these kids to be as productive as possible.

Job B- I work as a Program Assistant at an Adult Day Care Center. Several of the clients here have dementia. We help them with breakfast and lunch, plan activities/games for them. Occassionally help with personal care. I am hired per diem here. I originally was working one day a week, which was good. Then I was asked to cover for someone once and from them on it's been the two days a week. Just recently I asked to go back to one day a week- in the end I said at least give me a day off here and there.

Job B Pros
1. I feel passionate about the service this is providing- we allow caregivers the ability to carry on with their daily needs or gain some respite AND provide positive socialization and activities for their loved ones. I know this is meaningful to me since I have a Dad with alzheimers, but I think I would feel this way anyway.

2. Although I'm just per diem and can't really take advantage of most of the benefits- the company is one of the best to work for in the area ( through Kaleida Health)

3. If I ever wanted to work as a COTA with a different population- this would be a good way to keep my foot in the door.

4. No stress- I show up, do my thing and go home!

Job B. Cons

1. The pay is lousy ( just a little more than 1/2 of what I make at my other job)
2. I'm not using my official degree
3. I work short hours- usually 4 hour shifts and it's fine- but I think if I worked more there would be times I would find it a bit mind-numbing.

So anyhow- that's what I end up with. There are times I would really like to consider just being a program assistant ( or something similar), no stress- show up, go home, do something good, help others. I really feel like all this working and stress on my mind has made me not the Mom and wife I want to be. But I have a hard time justifying working for so much less- if the reason one works is to make $. The other option is maybe there is a job C that I have discovered yet. I don't know- I come up with a plan then change it....

Vitamin D- Oh it was a nice sunny day! Did some yard work, cleaned out the car and am getting ready to go start a fire in our fire pit.

And so it goes...

Reading now : To Kill A Mockingbird . It was choosen for book club- I have a friend that LOVES it, but I have to say I haven't fallen in love with it. It was kind of fun when I opened up our old copy. Inside, around page 20 I found a hall pass from my husband from when he was in high school- truthfully that was probably as far as he ever got with it. (He's not a fan either!)


Carol Hunt said...

It was interesting reading about your situation. I am like you, I hate waiting for something that may not happen. I want to know now, not later so I can decide what I have to do. I would not want to see you move but I understand about the need for a better job. I will say a pray for you.

Rachel said...

Hang in there, Sue!

Jolene said...

I find these situations so interesting to watch from afar...I'm saying to myself "I wonder if they will have to move and if they will finally get another bathroom and etc.....". And I'm truly intrigued by the idea of you guys moving because you were a great part of our Buffalo life and I will always imagine you there.

But you'll always find me a basket case when we have to wait out decisions like this. I tend to do what you do - put one foot (or even just a big toe) in the new place and start researching and imagining things there. I don't know how you could not do that. But it only brings anxiety cause the decision isn't made.

After all that, I guess I'm just saying, "Been there, done that" and hang in there! You guys will know the right thing to do when options present. I'm just hoping this new job might bring you near the midwest!!


Krystal said...

Wow Sue! Any chance you're may move to New Mexico? We had a super hard time deciding where to move, and that was without kids in school so I can't even imagine! Good luck with your and your husband's jobs.

Unknown said...

Oh Sue,

I miss you. Big decisions to make. But I agree, waiting until it's time to make the decision, or wondering if you'll even need to make the decision can be the hardest part. Bryan just told me that he's applied for jobs at Roswell Park. His job here is ending in July so we may move again too. I haven't told the kids yet. We're hoping for him to find something in SLC again so the girls can stay put a little longer. One thing I'm glad of, at least we've got FB so that if you leave Buffalo and I move back, I can still be your friend!

Love to you, my dear friend.

Sue said...

Thanks everyone. We are looking at State College PA area. Richard and I are taking an exploratory trip tomorrow. Since the last past we have moved a few steps closer to having the job.