Sunday, April 12, 2009

April 12

This is a picture of my Dad playing with a game of Connect Four with Jayna. It was nice. My Dad has dementia ( as far as I know it hasn't been diagnosed as Alzheimers, but sometimes I am out of the loop with my parents) anyhow his short term memory is very poor- he will often repeat himself and will need told things over and over within minutes. It is sad to see, especially at this stage where he is very aware of it and it makes him very sad. His mom and Dad both had mental problems as they aged. I have tried to get my mom to check out a day program- I think it would be helpful to both him and her- he would have some socialization and something to do, and she would have a break. However, no luck there. It's hard raising parents! Anyhow connect four was a good choice- it takes some cognitive skill- the need to stay focused somewhat, but not too difficult. Jayna and Dad had a nice time playing and played several games. I must say with the family history it makes me worried about my mental state as I age.

Whitney got a trampoline for her birthday and her and Jayna have loved it! Even when it is cold they'll go out and get in some good play time. We had one years ago, but threw it out, it didn't have the foam padding around the edge or the net. This one makes me feel much better.
This is Jayna's Easter decoration for us!
The kids and I are both on spring break- Yay! School has been really stressful for me, but the first year is almost done! I think May 18th is the last day of classes, then later that month I have a clinical- it's only about 1 1/2 or 2 weeks though. I should be done before the kids are out for the summer. I've thought about working summer, but really think a break would be nice. We have planned a few fun things for spring break- Out to eat (Quaker Steak and Lube- all you can eat wings - Andrew), Bison's game ( I really love Baseball games!) and then we are going to Ohio to visit family and have an Easter egg hunt with the cousins. I've been trying to see my parents every other month since I feel like things are getting worse there, and Richard's Dad has just gotten out of the hospital after about 2 months. His parents have moved to Columbus , OH. So some fun and some crazy, but definitely a change of pace.
Reading? Well I've started a few things, but haven't really got going much on anything lately- except anatomy stuff and such!
And so it goes...


Lexi said...

I'm glad Jayna got a chance to play with Grandpa. I'm afraid the younger cousins are quickly loosing their chance to know him. :(

Krystal said...

How does Whitney like her trampoline? I'm jealous :) I think its great that you are going to see your family so much- they've got a great daughter.