Monday, June 2, 2008

"Frank Shirt"-- June 2,2008

Well, the "Frank" shirt reappeared today. It hasn't been worn for some time, then here it is again.

Whitney has musical theater dress rehearsal today, then a track meet. Busy,busy, busy.

Was offered a relief position today working with developmentally handicapped adults. I said yes. I think it will be something I can do over the summer and through college. I am only required to work 12 hours a month. We'll see how it goes though. I'll have 2 weeks of training that I'll probably start after I'm done working at the school.

Just Finished:-Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Really liked it.

And so it goes...


Anonymous said...

I am glad you liked "Eat, Pray, Love." Lex is reading your latest recommendation - something about diving off a cliff or something - something I think of Conrad came home from school with a book he had to read at school called "The Acorn People". It's just a little book about a boy who spends his summer working at a camp for handicapped kids and at first hates it and then loves it. I read it because Conrad recommends it. It was a quick read....basically read it in a day. But like it. You might like it as well.


Anonymous said...

Good job!! and good luck with everything