Friday, December 19, 2008

It's almost Christmas! And more

Hey Christmas is almost here! The kids had a snow day off from school, so their break started today, of course, if there is a day the girls wanted to go to school, it would have been today. Whitney was going to exchange gifts with her friends and Jayna was going to have a winter solstice party. Oh well. Andrew was glad to be off though. It was a mostly relaxing day. I'm glad that I got the wrapping and sorting of presents mostly done the day before.

Christmas Traditions

1. The tree- I love the fresh tree smell! Ours smelled so good when we first got it this year- it was like heaven. We often just get one at a local store, but have sometimes gone and cut one down. When we lived in the Cleveland area there was a great place to cut down trees ( they had reindeers and had safety saws for the kids!) Unfortunately we haven't found anywhere in the Buffalo area that we like near as well. Okay, Richard would be happy getting an artificial tree and skip the hassle, I've considered it , but after smelling our tree this year I just don't know that that will happen anytime soon. (Sorry honey!)

2. The presents- Usually the family home evening after Thanksgiving we pull one another's names to make a present for. The rule being you can't make for the same person two years in a row. I think it was much easier when the kids were little, especially since I'm not the crafty type. Everybody loves it when Richard pulls their name though! He's making Jayna a candy machine this year, and has made one previously for Whitney, has also made me a great cubby/hook thing that I use in the entranceway. I just can't compete. This year I'm making for Whitney. She loves to bake and make treats, so I'm making a book with a bunch of recipes in it for her, along with giving her supplies to make some of them. Hope she likes it.

3. The other presents- Mom and Dad usually buy a present for each child, SANTA does the rest (Of Course!)

4. The treats- Sugar cookies, buckeyes, and a chocolate nut cluster (like Mom's!)

5. Christmas Dinner- Well the kids eat candy all morning from their stockings- so who needs dinner? Growing up we always had an assortment of lunch meat and cheeses to make sandwiches. We pretty much do the same

6. Christmas Eve Dinner- ?? We don't really have a set tradition, but I think we'll do a late candlelight dinner, read the Christmas story...?

7. Sleeping Arrangements- The kids usually camp out in one of their rooms all together- What was I thinking when we started this? That I didn't want anyone to sleep that night????

8. When can we get up???- I think now there is some reasonable time, maybe 7? If you are up before you can hang out with a sibling and watch tv. You can not wake up another sibling!! You have to wait for everyone to be up before presents can be opened. Who are we usually waiting for??? Dad and Jayna I think

Other things-
Today was the end of the semester for me- Yipee!!!, I have a week off, then have some time I need to spend at Amherst Adult Day Services. I'll have about another week off and then off to a new semester. I'm really thankful for the opportunity I have to be back in school, but it hasn't been easy. We're managaging it though. I think it would be harder if my kids were younger. I'm feeling pretty good about the field I've chosen too, so that is good.

Jayna has a constant sore throat- the doctor has suggested she sees a specialist about getting those huge tonsils out!

Merry Christmas everyone! I love this season and wish you all lots of happiness and peace.

Just Finished- Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH- a good story, it's a kids book but enjoyable to me too.

Recommended reading for those with young kids- I've fallen in love with Jan Bret (t?) check out "Gingerbread Friends" or "Gingerbread Baby"

And so it goes!


Van Ry Clan of Layton Ave said...

That is such a great idea to make presents for each other, we will have to keep that in mind, I love the smell of real trees too

Anonymous said...

Good Job one semester down, I love fresh Christmas trees too, But they are too much for our yearly budget so we have a fake one.