Saturday, July 25, 2009


So, I got my brave on and signed up to take adult tennis lessons. It truly did require me to get my brave on- I've never had tennis lessons, not even in a gym class setting. Plus a bit self conscious about being overweight. I've had a racquet for years though, and have occassionally just enjoyed going and hitting the ball around. Oh funny thought and embarrassing- I took the racquet I've had for years and the instructor told me she thought it was a junior racquet! Thankfully I had taken Richard's with me also and could use that!

The first two lessons were cancelled due to rain and my ambition had dwindled by the time the 3rd lesson came around, but I made myself go and glad I did. There was only myself and one other mom and her teenage son, and we seemed to be about the same level,so it was really a non threatening group!

I was able to learn some skills and have really gotten much better, plus it was just kind of fun. Richard, Jayna and I went to play a little today. I hope to find some cheap racquets this summer. They have classes in the fall and I may sign up again, it would probably be a good stress relief once I'm back in school.

Just Read: You Have the Right to Remain Puzzled by Parnell Hall- an okay light read, but nothing spectacular.

And so it goes...

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Ryan is an all-star tennis player, but I am totally pathetic. Maybe I should sign up for the fall classes with you!