Wednesday, June 15, 2011


So we are in the midst of plans to move and I really want it to feel like an ADVENTURE! But sadly I must say that more than anything (especially tonight) it is feeling more like STRESS.

Selling our house- We've had several people come and look, and people that we were told that were interested in it- yet we wait for an offer. It's draining- we have tried to do all that we can do- put in new carpet, got a storage unit for clutter, keeping it clean and ready to show, and more. It gets discouraging to have showings then wait to here something back. We've dropped the price once, hoping that it would encourage some of those that had "shown interest" to make a commitment. Nothing yet. I'm trying to believe that if I've done all I can, God will magnify our effort. And I know we are not in an unusual position- our house has been on the market for just about a month, which is normal. It's just being on a timeline has me stressed out.

Richard leaves on Sunday to start his job. He is subletting a room for awhile. It sounds pretty dumpy, but we needed something pretty fast, and this is rather inexpensive. He'll be sharing a place with a college student. I'm not looking forward to him being gone. There are days I feel my share of "Girl Power", but I'm just not feeling it this time around.

The move- a lot depends on selling our house here. We have considered buying a home as we wait to sell this one- but I'm nervous about multiple payments if this one doesn't sell soon. We have looked for places to rent but haven't had much luck finding a 4 bedroom that will also allow a dog. There is one possibility, but it would be much more expensive than paying a house payment. If we don't find a home soon though- we won't be able to get the kids started at school for the beginning of the year- and as I hard as it is to move them - I think that would make it so much worse.

Like I said - stress, plus Richard and I are busy trying to finish up the end of our jobs here. Sorry this all sounds so down- blech- not what I like, but I was hoping this would be a good way to vent or share or something. Things will all be okay- I just don't know how or when. On another note- more negative things have come up with the company Richard has been working for- just more confirmation that it was good for him to get out when he did.

Just read: "How to Break a Terrorist"- yep you should read it. It opens your mind and gives background on Iraq war, and talks about using "brains" not force to interrogate. It's really good

Reading now: "have a little faith" by Mitch Albom

Ok- and so it goes... ( I know this is all just life and we have to have these times- so here's to ADVENTURING on)

1 comment:

Ginger Johnson said...

Sue, I wish you luck. I remember so well the stress we had of moving here--our house in MI hadn't sold, and we had two house payments. It eventually did sell, and things steadied, but still, I know what you're talking about.

Good luck! It will all work out!