Saturday, March 24, 2012

What makes a good teacher?

My 10 year old is somewhat obsessed with her teacher from a previous school year. This teacher has been given the title "best teacher ever" time and time again: Which has gotten me thinking. This certain teacher was a fine teacher, but not one that I had been willing to give the title of "best teacher ever" to. I've had to rethink this though - is the "best" teacher one that teaches your kids the most academics, or is the best teacher the one that makes your kids love school?

In college I had a miserable French teacher, ( I could probably see her differently now but not then...) the class was such a huge stress on me, that when I finished it- I blocked out everything from it- and now know very little French. Perhaps I would have retained more if the teacher "taught" less but had a happier, friendlier attitude.

All 3 of my children have plans of becoming teachers someday. I find this interesting- I know they have been touched by many teachers in there lives already-some perhaps in a negative way, but many in positive ways. I'm thankful for those positive touches.. If they do choose to follow these plans to become teachers I'd love to see the positive ways they choose to influence their students- and I'm sure there will be some of their "best teachers ever" in their teaching style.

What makes the best teacher???? Who was your best teacher ever- and why?

And so it goes...

Just Read-"The Night Circus"- a great mystical read, I highly recommend it!

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