Saturday, May 12, 2012

Almost Spontaneous?

Richard and I not spontaneous.  Not at all really.  I wish I was, but I'm not.  It seems like everything we do goes through so much analysis and thought processing.  So recently we took a little camping trip that seemed almost spontaneous.  What does almost spontaneous mean to us folk?  Well- we took less than a week to plan a 1 night camping trip.  And I'm serious that's spontaneous for us- those people who just get in a car and drive, or plan a great adventure in one day- not me, not yet- but maybe? Someday?

Anyhow, last Sunday Richard and I rode the motorcycle to a state park that I often drive by as I travel to one of my work sites.  I had always wanted to stop and explore, it's beautiful and as I drive there, I always feel like I could see a bear meandering about.  So we took a nice ride out and explored it together.  We decided we should camp there.  I have to say I was a bit surprised when Richard asked me once we got home if we wanted to go camping there this weekend.  Not just because it felt spontaneous, but because camping has seldom been one of Richard's first choice of activities.  I was certainly in though.  By Weds. I think we had reserved a site and I bought a tent.  I wavered a little bit- Andrew and Whitney were staying home and I knew we had no cell service, and well they are teenagers.  This is when having a slightly nosy neighbor can be helpful.  I let our nice ( but yes, perhaps a bit nosy) neigbor know that they would be at home alone- and also when they were expected to be back at our house and such, as well as letting her know I gave their numbers to the kids in case of emergency.  It lessened my fear a bit- and thankfully, thus far as we have returned home all seems well. 

We bought one of newer "instant" set up tents. I know I have plans to take Jayna camping by myself this summer and did not one the stress of looking like a fool as I wrestle with a tent!
Jayna and Mom at camp!
Richard the morning after sleeping in the tent. He says he looks like he's been beaten!
Jayna warming up after a freezy night sleeping in the tent!
Richard still in recovery mode!

 We really had a nice time and needed that change of pace. Here's waiting to see what our next almost spontaneous adventure will be.

And so it goes....

Reading now: The Appeal, by John Grisham-- this book has taken longer to capture my interest than others of his, but it does make you think a little.

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