Sunday, June 3, 2012

I love my kids.

My kids have just finished their first year at  a new school (Juniata Valley Schools.)  It has been a hard year on all of them- which has made it a hard year on me.  The school is different here, the people are different here.  And different isn't always bad ( although in some regards it can be), but different can be hard.  So deeply, I want my kids to know that they are so intensely loved by their parents.  I want them to know that they are  always enough- they are perfect.  When the world ( or the kids at school) say you don't belong, you're wrong or you're not welcome here- I need my kids to know how awesome I think each of them are.  I need them to know that they will always belong here with our family in our hearts.  I need them to know that they have their own support team.  I worry my kids don't always know this - and it makes me sad.  Sometimes my children have chosen to participate in activities that I don't think are good for them morally or physically- and I have had to express that as a concerned parent.  That concern does not mean I don't love or accept them  I do.  I want the best for each of them.  There have been times when we have had to say "I'm sorry , this is where we live now and there's nothing we can do about that"- doesn't mean we think it's easy for you- we know it's not. We have expressed to them that a big part of life is learning to deal with difficult challenges- and having expressed that doesn't mean we don't get that it is a difficult challenge.  As your parents we want to help you through these challenges- we wish they weren't so hard. Sometimes we feel there is not much we can do to help- except to let you know- we love you, and you are more than good enough to us- you are our perfect. I don't think I realized going into this how hard it would be- in my mind- who possibly wouldn't like my kids- " Can't you see how cool they are?" and unforuntaely the world doesn't always see that- but I want my kids to know I think they are awesome- each in their own separate ways.  I love them so intensely.  Here is hoping summer is full of rejuvenation and relief- although I know already Whitney is dreading it as she doesn't know what she will do with herself- and will be missing her Buffalo adventures. ( we do go back every few months)

And so it goes....

Reading Now; " The Shoemaker's Wife"


Richard said...

Good post...and "ditto"

Rachel said...

I love your kids too, and I'm so sorry it's been a tough year for them. You are an awesome mom.