Friday, June 15, 2012

Just an update...

Often I think about blogging- about sharing my thoughts and experiences of the day- but then I don't.  So when I actually do, it is often a hodge podge of thoughts.  Oh well.  Anyhow, just a little update on our family.

Summer is here.  It was hard to wrap my head around the idea that my kids would be out of school so soon.  June 1st was their last day.  As I saw my Buffalo friends post pictures of flag day at school, it hit again.  The kids use to still be in school at this time.  And  here we are on our 2nd week of vacation.  So far vacation for the kids has mostly been  hanging out and relaxing.  That is always needed.  There are times I have really had to stop myself from turning into "Crazy Mom".  This has to do with the fact that I am a morning person, not a night owl.  So when it is noon and my kids are just rolling out of bed, my gut instinct is to get them going on whatever chores they need to do, or even take a shower, NOW, NOW, NOW!  I have tried hard to let them have somewhat of their own schedules (at least the teenagers), Whitney has always been a night owl, and now that summer is here enjoys staying up late then getting up late and Andrew has always just needed more sleep at times. I have tried not to plan activities (strawberry picking) for first thing in the morning.  But honestly- it is something I have to conscientously think about, because my natural tendency is to get up and get everything done- because by around 3 PM, I've lost all energy and ambition.  I do like it when I can get up and do paperwork or computer work in the quiet of the morning.  Jayna is the one early riser, but on occassion will sleep in until 8 ish.  The first few days of my summer vacation, I got up a little later than normal, but then felt prompted to not waste that time.  I have been writing daily lists of things to do to keep organized and motivated.  I have decided to give myself one off day- with less of a list- and maybe some time for something fun!  (Today is my down day for this week)

Work for me- It  was a tough year, but I think it is getting better.  Since we moved here last August I've had 3 jobs- and am still working one of them.  It just took awhile to get settled and on the right path.  I am working as an occupational therapy assistant with preschool-high school students.  I love that my company is so willing to accept that I only want to work part -time, I generally worked 3 days a week during the school year. I love that they actually have an allowance to buy supplies with.  It has been a great learning experience- the disabilities I have been working with are much broader than what I have worked with before- so I am learing lots.  During the summer months  I only work a few days a month and only see the preschoolers.  So I am enjoying the time "home" with the kids, but it is kind of a time/money issue.  When I have the money to do extra things, I don't have the time, now that I have the time, I don't have the money to do extra things.  Oh well, I'm not complaining.

Work for Richard- Still going pretty well,  he has lots of opportunity to get out of his comfort zone and do new things, which can be great, but also a challenge.    He also works in an office with more estrogen then testosterone and that can be a little hard for him! He does have the opportunity to ride his motorcycle to work more often and is enjoying that. Company picnic is coming up and he is in charge of grilling.

Andrew is working at Raystown Resort- generally one day a week.    He works weddings and business meetings- serving and such. It's a good job for a teenager.  He is looking forward to his girlfriend coming up this summer.  He is enjoying summer break by sleeping in and playing video games too.

Whitney is babysitting the neighbor kids this summer.  I think it is quite a bit harder than she imagined.  She watches a 7 year old and a 3 year old- they have been the hardest kids she's ever babysat.  However, she is looking forward to getting paid, as she is feeling broke.  Whitney is into vintage/retro items- has an old typewriter, a record player, a collection of old bottles and cigar boxes...anyhow we were at an auction recently ( her first) and she bought a camera for a dollar- when she came home she looked on the internet about it- then listed it on ebay and sold it for $65!  She wants to go to another auction!

Jayna is enjoying the laid back days of summer- with a bedtime that is variable and playing games with Mom.  She and I plan on camping together this summer at a Yogi-bear park.

The kids are all volunteering at the humane society.  This week I ended up going 3 days, one day with each of them.  I think most weeks I will be able to do this in two days- but I think we would be too crowded and on top of each other if we did it one day a week ( since I have to be with all of them)  They are enjoying it ( prob. Whitney the most), and I am tolerating it.  If you think about "A Charlie Brown Christmas", when Lucy gets licked my Snoopy and runs around and calls for sanitizer/disenfectant- then you will know how I have felt about animals- and why this is a such a stretch for me.  However, I love my kids, and knew they needed something positive to do this summer- so here we are.

Other summer plans- a trip to Buffalo, maybe the kids spending some time in Columbus with their Grandma, my sister (s?) coming to visit.  And we are looking forward to a Disney World trip in September!

Reading now:  "If I am Missing or Dead"- I'm not sure if I will finish this.  It is a true story written by a sister of a women who was killed by her boyfriend- the point was to look over their lives and relate how they both became involved in bad relationships- why they ended up how they did.  But it's mostly been a book about one bad relationship after another thus far, and I'm not really enjoying it.

Just Read "Growing up Amish"- this is a good read, and pretty quick too, I'd recommend it.  It's about a man who grew up Amish and his struggle to leave the Amish church.  It has some thought provoking parts.

And so it goes...


Rachel said...

I love reading the updates. You are awesome!

Jolene said...

Sue - we are moving to Columbus next week. If you are dropping the kids off, we'd love to see you and Richard. Maybe an ice cream stop or something else fun and easy. We are moving to Powell but would love to meet up with you somewhere if you have time.

I've been reading your blog and would love to pick your brain the moving transition for your kids. We are in the midst of it and has been a struggle. I hope this summer is relaxing for your entire family and next year is better than this.
