Saturday, March 8, 2008

March 8, Snow and more snow!

Well, we are in the midst of a snow storm, definitely a good day to "hunker down", the girls gymnastics classes were cancelled so that made it easier. I'm hoping I'll get lucky and one of the neighbors will snow blow at least the end of the driveway for me. At one point I had Richard leave me instructions on how to use our snow blower and I thought I would be able to do that, however, he now says it it "rigged" and I have to use our air pump to start it -- Hmm, I just don't know about that- on the plus side Andrew did offer to shovel (2 points for you Andrew!)

Richard is having an exhausting time in Florida- I had really hoped it would be a time for him to rejuvenate, but I guess not this time. He has spent a lot of the time at the hospital and has also been doing things for his parents house that needed taken care of. As of yesterday his Dad was still hallucintating and not really able to carry on much of a conversation because he would keep falling asleep. It would be nice if before Richard came home on Tuesday that he and his Dad could have at least one good day to at least talk to each other. He's been a great help to his mom during this time.

Teenagers and Pre-teens -- What do you do with them??? As Andrew and Whitney get older I find it definitely harder to find common interests or do things together - they are no longer happy to play board games or go to the play ground (not as often anyhow) Whitney would be happy to hang at the mall, so I may have to start doing that- I just don't want to lose the connection we have as they get older and I know I need to maybe give them a bit more freedom (or not, I'm not sure), but I do have a lot of fears of what they will get into (personal experience) Andrew gets angry because I won't let him play Richard's M rated game all the time in front of Jayna- has he forgotten that only recently has he even had access to M games ( just a few, shooting games, yuck) Sometimes it is all draining. And it seems like when Richard is gone Andrew really gets more of an attitude, or maybe it just seems that way since I'm the only one dealing with him. Whitney hasn't enjoyed being without cable, and when she heard that I plan on going back to college she was frustrated saying something like now we'll never get cable. Ugghhh!!!!

Didn't make it to weight watchers today, but got weighed in at home and it seems like I'm down about another 1/2 pound, so that makes about 9 YaY! I made it through taking the kids to McDondalds the other day, just have soup, a side salad with light dressing and water. Luckily I like the soup a lot. It was hard for me though.

And so it goes...

Reading now: "Cold Sassy Tree" by Olive Ann Burns (I think)

Just Finished: "Before Women had Wings" by Connie May Fowler - a good read, made me think about how kids love their parents just because they are their parents even if they are abusive- the huge influence a Mom has.


Lexi said...

Hey Sue,
I remember being a teenager (I'm sure my mom does, too!!!) I used to swear every other day that as soon as I turned 18, I was leaving home and never, ever talking to my parents again. I remember throwing tantrum and being moody because my friends were allowed to date or do this or that and I was never allowed. I led a very sheltered life during my teenage years and my parents always knew what I was up to. As a young adult, I thank my lucky stars that my parents were so protective and set rules and limits with me. I'm a year from completing my doctorate degree. The kids who were allowed to go to parties where there was drinking and date at 14 are now parents, and college drop outs and hang out in the Marathon gas station parking lot after getting off work at McDonald's. Your kids may say that hate you now because they can't do what their friends are doing, but when they are 25, they'll be thankful they aren't doing what their friends are doing. My parents made some mistakes, but they had it right with setting rules and holding us accountable for our academic achievement. I'm proud of myself and my siblings for being the successful individuals we are. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Sue -
I think it is wonderful that Richard is in Florida helping out his mother at this difficult time. I hope it works out that he can spend some quality time with his dad before he has to come back to NY. It's wonderful that you are holding down the fort so he can be where he needs to be right now. He'll look back and feel good that he took this opportunity. And be grateful to you for making it possible. I bet his mom is really grateful for such a wonderful son.

Teenagers - hang in there! The good news is that they grow Looking back I am glad we expected alot from them academically and behavior-wise. I think we could have been more lenient with some of the social and friend stuff. We could have been more fun and less of drill instructors! The hardest ages were 13- until they were 16. It just seemed like they wanted to do Everything and weren't really old enough to do any of it - always frustrated. When they hit 16 and gradually got more freedom - driving, jobs, money - things got less stressful.

Congrats on the weight loss - that is fantastic!!


Anonymous said...

Sue,Congrats on the weight loss.  That is so awesome.  AS for the teenage thing, we both have a good 10 years of that coming.  Maybe that is why mom doesn't have any hair. As for the OT assistant here is what I would say.  What do you feel when you think about doing it. interest? challenge? dread?  As long as you aren't dreading it you will probably do well. and the classes start right away so you will know early on.Mary