Friday, February 15, 2008

Feb. 15- A new day!

Hi feeling much better today, I believe a good cry can be therapy itself and I know that I have a pretty good life, just sometimes things build up. Thanks to those who left kind comments and e-mails.

The kids have a week off from school now for winter break. Woo hoo! Because, that also means that I have a week off from work. I have different feeling now about breaks and snow days, now that I work at a school, so instead of worrying about what I'm going to do to keep the kids busy, I'm just thankful for some down time for me and the kids. There are a couple of dentist appts. scheduled and a dr. appt. too. I don't have any plans to do anything major this break,hopefully on our Spring break we'll go to Philadelphia and visit with some friends (Janes') and do some of the fun things there. It's always good for me to have something to look forward to.

Richard and I went out to eat and to see "Bucket List", last night for Valentines Day. It is nice that Andrew could babysit for us.

Andrew's play is in about 2 weeks, I'm looking forward to seeing it. Whitney auditioned for the musical in the elementary this week, and Jayna has just one last PIP performance coming up.

And so it goes...Happy thoughts to everyone out there.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are on an upswing!!! Did you like the Bucket List? I LOVED it - but then I am a huge Morgan Freeman fan! But loved the general message of the movie as well - and thought their were laughs intertwined. Loved it.